How To Remove .html And Date From Blogger url | .html remove| Blogging Tips

Pro Tip To Remove .html from Blogger Url

How to remove .html

Hello friends welcome to Technical Guide. Friends if you are a Blogger and want to grow your website then you have to do some SEO on your site in order to rank your blog or website in google. Because if you want to grow your website than you have to rank your site in google , but i know there is so much of traffic there in google and it is because of  google was the worlds largest search engine.

My friend if you don't do SEO in your website then you will become hidden in the crowd of lakhs of people on google. So in todays article i am going to tell you that if have a website or blog and you are also thinking of doing SEO  then this article worth a lot to you. So let's get Started.

Friends if you have noticed that if you have created any post on your site and published it then if you have ever noticed that the url of your website looks like this (if you are using blooger).

The above url is your Permalink. If you also have a url like above then it seems like a problem for you because this type of url will affect your Site SEO. Because of the date in the URL and .HTML extension google bots like to neglect these type of websites with these type of URL because google algorithm provides only 70-75 characters space for your permalink and these types of url have more length due to have date and .html in their url as  part of it and consumes more space in url of your site.

How To Remove .html and date from Blogger post Url.

So friends let's start and learn how to remove .html extension and date from your post url. Follow the steps carefuly beacause if you not follow proper steps then it will be a threat to your website or blog.

!!!! Before doing any changes to your blog you have to take a backup of your blog so that if anything goes wrong you can restore everything and restore your default blog.

Please follow the steps carefully.

Step 1.Open Blogger and sign to blogger with your e-mail id.

Step 2. After that go to Theme option on your dashboard and click on it.

Step 3. After that click on Edit HTML and enter.

Step 4. Now press "ctrl+F" and search "head" head tag and paste the given below script file in below the  <head > tag.

Script Link:-  Click here> Link

Step 5.  After pasting the file click on "Save Theme".

Step 6. Now we are done with our setting. Just open your blog and open any post and you will see the result.

So friends if this trick worked with your site then comment below that "yes trick work" . so thanks for visiting us friends.

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